EftW 3.3.3

Exercise 1: Write the correct activity below each picture 

                        go to bed - do homework - have breakfast - brush your teeth - have a shower -
go to work - go to school - wake up

Exercise 2: Choose a word from the word bank to complete each sentence

                                                 Wake - Go - Brush - Have - Go - Have - Get

1.   I usually up at 6.30 a.m. every single morning.

2.   I lunch in the school at 12:00 p.m.

3.   I usually dinner with my family at about 6 p.m.

4.   My school finishes at 2:00 p.m. and then I home by bus.

5.   I to bed later on the weekends.

6.   On Sundays I up until 9.30 a.m.

7.   I always my teeth three times a day.

Exercise 3: Choose a word from the word bank to complete the conversations

get up - o’clock - mornings

Interviewer: What time do you get up in the , Sofi?
Sofi: I usually very early!
Interviewer: Yes, but how early?
Sofi: At about five or six!

go - school - early

Carl: Sometimes, but not too .Interviewer: Do you to school early, Carl?
Interviewer: So, at what time exactly?
Carl: I sometimes go to  at seven.

day - brush - take - shower

Interviewer: How many times a  do you  your teeth, Mariene?
Mariene: Usually three or more times a day.
Interviewer: How many times a day do you take a ?
Mariene: Well, I  a shower two times a day.

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