EftW 7.2.1

Exercise 1: Choose the correct activity you can do with each house hold appliance or object 

This is a broom. I can:

This is a vacuum-cleaner. I can:

This is a duster. I can:

This is a waste bin. I can:

This is a washing machine. I can:

This is an oven. I can:

Exercise 2: Choose the correct option in each sentence 

My mom asked me to do the ______

I _____my bed every day.

My father asked me to _______ the plants.

I _______ the floor once a day.

My boyfriend _______ the living room carpet.

We _____ out the trash twice a week.

Exercise 3: Write the letter of the chores with their definition

A) Do the dishes

B) Hang out the laundry

C) Lay and clear the table

D) Walk the dog

E) Make the bed

F) Sweeping

G) Take out the trash

H) Do the laundry

I) Ironing

J) Water the plants

  If you don’t do it, your plants will die

  You put the sheets and covers on the bed

  After you do the laundry, you have to dry your clothes

  It is about cleaning the dust using a broom

  After you cook you produce a lot of it and it smells bad after a time

  After a meal, you do this activity at the sink

  If you want clean clothes, you must do it

  It is necessary when you have a dog

  You do it before and after a family meal

  If you don't do it your clothes are wrinkled

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