Exercises Modulo 12.3.3

Exercise 1

Write the "question tags" for the following questions.

1.- She visited her grandparents last sunday, ?

2.- Your brother James isn't coming tonight, ?

3.- She didn't said bad words, ?

4.- She will do the shopping, ?

5.- He goes to the school every day, ?

6.- I'm sorry, I'm speaking too low, ?

7.-  You can let me go to the festival, ?

8.- They didn’t come last night, ?

9.- He will never forgive me, ?

10.- They have an apartment in Aruba, ?

Exercise 2

Write 5 sentences from your daily life using the questions tag

1.- ____________________________, __________?

2.- ____________________________, __________?

3.- ____________________________, __________?

4.- ____________________________, __________?

5.- ____________________________, __________?

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