Exercises Modulo 6.3.1

Exercise 1: Choose the correct picture for each part of the body / Ejercicio 1: Elige la imagen correcta para la parte del cuerpo






Exercise 2: Choose the correct picture for each part of the body / Ejercicio 2: Elige la imagen correcta para la parte del cuerpo

There are five fingers in my ________________

There are five toes in my _______________

I've got an ______________ above my eye

I can smell with my ________________

I can hear with my ____________

I can taste with my ______________

Exercise 3: Choose the correct translation in each verb / Ejercicio 3: Elige la traducción correcta en cada verbo

To blink

To kiss

To hug

To caress

To clap

To jump

To bite

Exercise 4: Match the correct translation in each verb / Ejercicio 4: Une la traducción correcta en cada verbo

1.       You can see

a)       with your fingers

2.       You can talk

b)      with your finger

3.       You can hug

c)       with your legs

4.       You can clap

d)      with your arms

5.       You can jump

e)      with your hands

6.       You can bite

f)        with your lips

7.       To whistle

g)       with your teeth

8.       To point

h)      with your mouth

9.       To pinch

i)        with your eyes




1   2   3   4 5

6   7   8   9

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