Exercises Modulo 9.1.2

Exercise 1: Turn the following ideas into imperative / Ejercicio 1: Convierte estas ideas en oraciones imperativas utilizando LET’S

1. We should go for an ice cream - Let’s go for an ice cream

2. We should go to the cinema -

3. We should drink some beers -

4. We should play something -

Exercise 2: Turn the following ideas into imperative using DO NOT or DON’T / Ejercicio 2: Convierte estas ideas en oraciones imperativas negativas usando DO NOT o DON’T

1. I can not open the windows - Don’t open the windows

2. It’s forbidden to take pictures in the museum -

3. There is nothing to worry about -

4. I don’t like when you play inside the house -

5. I can not eat in my bedroom -

Exercise 3: Look at the signals and write the correct imperative verb in the sentence / Ejercicio 3: Observa las imágenes y escribe el verbo imperativo correcto en cada oración

Turn off

1.- Do not

2.- Do not here

3.- your cellphone

4.- right

5.- Do not

6.- Here

7.- careful

8.- your hands

9.- the street

10.- Don’t this water

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